Monday, April 29, 2013

spq13 wrs colt

117 running
29 total

this week  i learned that peeing on the Arctic ground it wont leave due too the fact its so cold. i also learned were too go to get heades machined. flow is speed and pressure is power! good week Jeff

Monday, April 22, 2013

spq13 wrs colt

The past week i was introduced to the dreaded bin of fittings. My task as a student is too identify all of them. Off the top of my head  there is JIC BSTS tapered pipe thread banjo bell oring boss dot air fittings push lock  barbed and many more too count.

 88hours running
29 hours this week

Monday, April 15, 2013

spqt 13 wrs colt

This week i learned that relays have miles of wire in them. I also learned that alternators use a south and north pole winding and by increasing the voltage too the poles more power is produced through the wire on the other sides of the alternator. A diode keep  the south or north pole from going back to the battery. 29 hours school 59 hour internship.

Monday, April 8, 2013

spq13 colt wrs

this is a motor from a man lift at my work. im rebuilding it. This motor only powers a pump for hydrolics. all the functions on this man lift at hyd controlled lift,steering,drive train. 

I have a feeling the exhaust valves arnt seating because they have slite burres in them. My instructor also gave me the idea to test the mechanical fuel system on this motor by turning the motor over with a drill and putting the fuel lines in diesel. 

This week at school i learned to find shorts to power. A trick i will use for the rest of my life. lets just say its a real bright idea.15 hour school 35 hours internship

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thermo king

395 hours for my internship this week.

  •  at wrs i got to get my hands on a apu unit for a over the road truck. the brand was a thermo king basically a 3 cylinder motor. the motor had a ac unit on it. something i thought was vary interesting was the heater was a seprit motor in it self. i think it worked a lot like carisen heaters work. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I'm in a bigger shop now.

310 hours for internship 


This week my shop crew and i have been moving our stuff from our smaller shop to a much bigger shop. Western refinery service used to make coverall buildings so they built one for real cheap. This new shop has a hydraulic room,two cranes each being two tons,welding/fabricating area. I think its a great shop. There are some bugs too get worked out " the oil lube pumps are a 1 to 9 ratio if you do the math 120 psi multiplies up quick. The 200 psi rated hoses are bursting from time too time. lots of fun cleaning 15w30!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

260 hours

got too work one day and my tool box got a lift kit

           Tis this is a picture of a Sculley plug The grounds will play mind tricks on you. There was a plug i did a while back that i replaced, and put a new ground wire too. our tester still read BAD ground. It turned out too be the Sculley plug mount was not grounded. this happened because thies systems use two different sourses of ground. DONT WANT A SPARK AROUND 4000 gallons of fuel!!! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Half a can of starting fluid.....??? What were they thinking?

This week i asked to take on a little bigger project. Some colleges of mine have been using a man lift but for the past couple weeks the motor has been making a little more nose then a diesel should. About a week ago they were trying to start it and of course not being mechanic's they went through half a can of starting fluid. Now the motor is done. Iv been doing some research on the motor, its a Lambardini Two cylinder the company was bought out by koler. I still have some more research to do but my plan is to have the injectors sent in too north land diesel, check valve adjustment and compression then go from there.

hours....I honestly have not been keeping track but i have been working 40 plus hours every week since iv been out of my fall classes.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The bus runs

last week i shorted a bus and it would not start. I then got on the Internet with new flyer "the bus manufactures" and i chatted back and forth with a Mr Butch Hartley. He gave me tips ,advice and most importantly testing procedures. What the problem turned out to be is A burnt up a CPU or also called a rack. Its a type of data buss for the vehicle. I also burnt up a few relays.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Learnd my lesson

To any one out there please learn from my mistake. This week i have been trying to get thies buses running so my company can use them for turnaround, to haul workers back and forth to the refinery. The buses have been sitting in the back Field for over three months and the battries are dead as dead. I stuck a 24 volt charger on them for a day and it started up. I then continued to let them charge for a few hours. but the last bus i went to turn off wouldn't fricken turn off. I tryed unplugging the coolant sensors and i also flipped a kill switch that was on the dash. still running.......then i did the no no i flipped the battery shut off. I think i fried the brain to the bus. What i should of done is stuck a book over the air intake. If i could only go back in time i would. Wheres a delorean when you need one.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Home project

 I took a 5mge motor and put it into a Toyota pickup
 this is the motor installed

 the donor car i bought on Cragslist

 i had some fun destroying the car :)
The car

The truck
Something iv learned from this project......take your time trace wires well and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT WIRING SHEMATICS! just because it says on the internet its for an 1983 dosnt mean its for an 83 "but dont we belive every thing we read on the internet"?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

my internship at Western refinery services this quarter has been going great. I'm always learning new things. last week I learned that an ABS hook up to the a Bendix can tell you things that would take hours to figure out. example of that is taking a wheel jacking it up and checking the sensor for an AC signal. The computer would tell you what wheel is out wheather its the sensors bad or you have an open circute there. Another thing iv learned not so much through work but on my own project at home is web site forums is a good tool for a mechanic. At home im doing a motor swap into a pickup. Basically taking an old a** truck and fuel injectioning it. The guys on the forum have been some help. But a little warning to anyone using them. Brush off the smack talk it happens people are jerks. Questions are questions just try to think the questions out befor asking them online. No one wants to waste there time.