Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thermo king

395 hours for my internship this week.

  •  at wrs i got to get my hands on a apu unit for a over the road truck. the brand was a thermo king basically a 3 cylinder motor. the motor had a ac unit on it. something i thought was vary interesting was the heater was a seprit motor in it self. i think it worked a lot like carisen heaters work. 

1 comment:

  1. So, have you done any research into this Colt? Some of them operate like a heat pump for a house. If you search the model number on the web...


    A reminder... http://learningreflectionsbtc.blogspot.com/2013/03/blog-requirements-and-grading.html

    And BE SURE to check my blog by April 1. There will be class instructions posted there.

    Looking forward to spring quarter.
