Thursday, December 27, 2012
exhaust horse power
well its 4:30 am and i cant figure out why when you let off the throttle the jake brakes work. i know jakes open the exhaust valve on the power stroke thus making the engin use horse power to slow the truck instead of speeding up. The jake itself is made up of springs and valves that are controlled by oil pressur. To get to them the valve cover comes off on a isx cummins they will be on the exhaust side on the rockers there will be three of them," power exhaust and injector". the exhaust you will see a round thimbel with a snap ring around it. when you press down on that it willrock back slightly when you press foword it will rock foword like an inch that is the exhaust valve. if you ever take the snap ring off the internals are simple litterly two springs and a shaft.
Thursday, November 15, 2012

black dodge codes found that the injectors are open!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The truck was throwing up codes for the diesel particulate filter. The valve for the fuel was taken off the truck and put onto a beacon for measuring. The amount of diesel that gets injected into the particulate filter is about 8 oz.
Safety is key
WARNING: | HIGH-PRESSURE FUEL LINES DELIVER DIESEL FUEL UNDER EXTREME PRESSURE FROM THE INJECTION PUMP TO THE FUEL INJECTORS. THIS MAY BE AS HIGH AS 23,200 PSI (1600 BAR). USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN INSPECTING FOR HIGH-PRESSURE FUEL LEAKS. FUEL UNDER THIS AMOUNT OF PRESSURE CAN PENETRATE SKIN CAUSING PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. INSPECT FOR HIGH-PRESSURE FUEL LEAKS WITH A SHEET OF CARDBOARD. WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES AND ADEQUATE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING WHEN SERVICING FUEL SYSTEM. this is a warning label from aldata Pressure/velocity related injury to the index finger estimated at between 100-1,000 lbs/ i looked up some more on the lethal strike video and on the web and saw this pressure warning but i think its being nice you could several injury at even lower psi |
Monday, November 5, 2012
way way over 300 hours for work and right on track for school
I took a fuel presser test from the fuel filter and manafold, both read 65 psi.
smthing i learned over the weekend is a blinker light just because it has three wires comming off it and has a cool flash took it doesnt need all three wires hooked up. I took about a half hour rewiring this blinker nice and neat. the wiring was all green and didnt work. i asked the driver to try his blinker and yes it blinked like the other side but what i didnt know is that three wire set up is so if you wanted the blinkers to act as running lights for the front. what i wired up was running slash blinkers for the rear. Thats illigal

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Thats a shock
This is the valve cover on the 7.3 in the shop at school. I took the cover off because iv never seen wires integrated into a gasket before. Don't poke holes in wires you could get shocked says the manufacture.
The glow plugs take alot of current to run them.
The glow plugs take alot of current to run them.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Schooling in Motion
plastic gauge it came in within specification the tolerance the kobota book called for were .0007 to .0020 and we measured .0015
upon disassembling this motor we found no rings. one thing i can take from this motor dissembly is i know the names for the parts allot better and there locations on the motors. another piece of information i learned it the 4 Cly are a shaky motor due to being only a 4. one thing kobota did to stop this is add weight balancers ran off an idler gear.
this is a corroded battery i found at work on a service i did. just tells you always check every thing when servicing machiniory
upon disassembling this motor we found no rings. one thing i can take from this motor dissembly is i know the names for the parts allot better and there locations on the motors. another piece of information i learned it the 4 Cly are a shaky motor due to being only a 4. one thing kobota did to stop this is add weight balancers ran off an idler gear.
this is a corroded battery i found at work on a service i did. just tells you always check every thing when servicing machiniory
Monday, October 8, 2012
30 hours of work last week and 12 hours of school
Today my group and i started the disassemblly on the kubota 3300 diesel motor. I noticed it doesn't take long to get in a chest deep out of order dirty mess when disassembling a motor. We got the head off and were into the tops of the pistons in a totals of 20 Min's. but something i saw others doing is taking card board and labeling it then sticking there parts into for a tidy little package.
Today my group and i started the disassemblly on the kubota 3300 diesel motor. I noticed it doesn't take long to get in a chest deep out of order dirty mess when disassembling a motor. We got the head off and were into the tops of the pistons in a totals of 20 Min's. but something i saw others doing is taking card board and labeling it then sticking there parts into for a tidy little package.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Caution Learning in Progress
This is a capture on the modis for the blower motor on the black dodge. the blower motor has a resistor box. the box gives the motor less resitanc as the switch is turned up.
The picture here is of a little dc motor we built in class.
The picture here is of a little dc motor we built in class.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Diagrams and Schematics
Some things I've learned at school have helped me in my life. For example: we had to wire up a switch for hazards, left turn signal and right turn signal. Some guys and I stumbled around for about 45 minutes, trying to figure out how to wire the switch. Our instructor then gave us the wiring diagram. We proceeded with the wiring and it was done in no time. If you don't succeed the first time, read the directions! Another example: A student brought in a car to have her door lock switch fixed. I was test probing around locking doors, unlocking doors, not knowing what I was doing. I then printed out the schematic and found the car runs off relays, switching grounds to make the doors lock and unlock. So what I've learned is wiring, diagrams and schematics can be your friend.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
learnig in progress
Every day im working is another day of learning. Today i had to change the hoop rings for a coak trailer the hoops where bent due to some wire that was loaded.Wrs also has me changing altinators and leaf springs and the 1in air gun kicks my but i was using it for about 5 whole minits tighning the ubolts. The u bolts take alot of tork to make them right."hours 280"
Thursday, August 16, 2012
fork lift problems
Friday, July 20, 2012
just finished my second week at wrs. a few things iv learned is if you mess up its ok just dont let it happen again and make sure you tell some one. the guys in the shop will give you a hard time for a little while but it wouldnt be nearly as bad as if you tried to hide it.Another thing iv learned is always try too look as if your doing something because in no time another project will come up . last is in class pay attention to the
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
fith wheel clutch spicer dana
Took a fithwheel apart learned the hardest part of the contraption is the mechanical aspect but the weight.
Took the clutch off the cummins. during this i learned the torq specs are important because with out the clutch being tightened correctly the thrust bearing wont spin freely. I also learned semis use two presser plates for more surface area to grab on too.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
This week
this is the setup on the new volvols at my work. Every sat i add this type fuil witch makes the truck have better emissions.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
break and wheel seal
hub and break Assembly
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loose scam the snap ring and washer was not installed previous to us. |
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removing the old wheel seal. |
for procedures and specks i tightened down the first hub nut to 200 ft pounds then backed it off one full turn then i torked it to 50 ft pounds and backed it off 1 quarter of a turn. i then installed the washer with the wholes in it then the flange washer after that i had the
torkwrench set to 250 ft pounds set for the final hub nut which is shown in the picture. I had a finale end ply of .001 to .005 of end play which also meet ASE standards. 
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
heavy duty fork lift axle
This is a picture is of a heavy duty axel from a fork lift in the Bellingham technical college shop. Inside of the axel is a simple concept the breaks are pressure plates that are forced together by hydraulic or break fluid. And the drive train is composed of a differential to axle shafts then to two separate sets of planetary gears for the final gear reduction.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
what i learned today is if you have a short to ground and you read resitence from the ground side shut off switch to the other side of the stg then the resitence on my meter will read .1 because its reading the resitence back to the battory if that stg is fixed then the meter will read oL for an open circut.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
made a little progress in learning electrical. the reason for hair to be pulled is a short or high resitence bad ground or last open circut. not sure why a bad ground would still read twelve volts at the ground but its somthing to think about. 12 hours in school 190 hours internship
Friday, March 23, 2012

last week i had to sort lights,i learned there are many types. a trailer i estimate has around 14 to 25 lights that all must be working. some types include maxom grody led. lights can also be the same light except one has two prongs wall the other has three, also brake lights clearance,tail, blinker,licences plate lights could be in a whole different category. all of thies lights make it both legal and safe for trailers to be on the road.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday on trailer 3129 the s cam bushings were a little loose. We replaced all 6 of them on the triple axial trailer. The reason they get replaced is because if there wiggly or lose the automatic slack adjuster wont be able to adjust right and will cause the breaks to wear unevenly. The fact that we had to replace them made the break job take twice as long as usual. After replacing breaks in the morning we had a trailer that needed to be fixed,it was not legal to cross a scale. The trailer had 9 broken lights a air leak that you could hear and no conspicuity tape"the reflective tap on the bumpers. the lights ended up being a couple bad ground and a bad light.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
this picture is a piece of stainless steel lynden door had cut to reduce the cost of having the steps for the semi truck rebuilt. the steps from the kenworth dealer costed twice the amount then having them custom cut and the stainless is stronger the the original aluminum ones. the stainless steel plates took me about an hour apiece to polish we started with a grinder then moved to 220 grit sand paper then to 400 and for the final was a wet polish that cleaned and buffed the last scratches out.
the mounting stainless steal steps installed
the mounting stainless steal steps installed
the picture is a light checker every Saturday i take this unit witch consists of blue brown red green black white red wires that connect to switches. the switches turn on different items on the trailers like side markers blinkers license plate lights and so on. i find a light out on the lynden door trailers about once ever week and a half. some times there easy fixes like corroded wirer's but other times there shorts in the line. this little devices does help the company out and it was built using all in shop parts. the blue tool box is my newest purchase i paid Matco an arm and a leg for her and i think i will name her but not sure what yet.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
2/1/12 fixed a trailer replaced a front hanger for the steer axial, grease trailer cleaned shop.
2/2/12 replaced break pads for trailer 3122 aired tires. drilled holes for battery shutoff switch.
2/4/12 blew out trailer and checked air presser for all 20 trailers
2/7/12 picked up scrap metal replaced clearance light it was a bad ground greased trailer
2/9/12 replaced exhaust from turbo we replaced it from a 4" to a 5" the truck now gets better fuel ecom and has more power. trailer maintenance check tires mount mirror on the wall for checking the abs light during in house expections.
2/11/12 blew out trailers check tires
2/14/12 weld hand railing on to be osha approved at the shop. sorted 5/16,3/8,1/2,9/16 bolts and cap screws into separate bins
2/17/12 grind steps so there was no snags to catch the drivers as they exit the trucks, air tires maintenance trailers
2/18/12 polished bracket checked air on the tires blew out trailers cleaned shop fixed a cab light
2/21/12 cleaned 3 trucks detailed them. tidy the shop blew out 2 trailer
2/24/12 polished stainless steal for the steps on the truck. lynden door trucking bought plates and had them cut in the shape of the side mounts for the stairs to the cab of the truck. this costed them less money then to buy kenworth aluminum brackets and the stainless steel ones are stronger too. it was my job to polish them to look presentable on the trucks. put in serious satalight. replace heater core temp gauge. install new monitor for gps system.
2/25/12 check tires blow out trailers check lights on trailer 3125
2/2/12 replaced break pads for trailer 3122 aired tires. drilled holes for battery shutoff switch.
2/4/12 blew out trailer and checked air presser for all 20 trailers
2/7/12 picked up scrap metal replaced clearance light it was a bad ground greased trailer
2/9/12 replaced exhaust from turbo we replaced it from a 4" to a 5" the truck now gets better fuel ecom and has more power. trailer maintenance check tires mount mirror on the wall for checking the abs light during in house expections.
2/11/12 blew out trailers check tires
2/14/12 weld hand railing on to be osha approved at the shop. sorted 5/16,3/8,1/2,9/16 bolts and cap screws into separate bins
2/17/12 grind steps so there was no snags to catch the drivers as they exit the trucks, air tires maintenance trailers
2/18/12 polished bracket checked air on the tires blew out trailers cleaned shop fixed a cab light
2/21/12 cleaned 3 trucks detailed them. tidy the shop blew out 2 trailer
2/24/12 polished stainless steal for the steps on the truck. lynden door trucking bought plates and had them cut in the shape of the side mounts for the stairs to the cab of the truck. this costed them less money then to buy kenworth aluminum brackets and the stainless steel ones are stronger too. it was my job to polish them to look presentable on the trucks. put in serious satalight. replace heater core temp gauge. install new monitor for gps system.
2/25/12 check tires blow out trailers check lights on trailer 3125
Friday, February 3, 2012
some other things iv done for my intership
some things iv done during my internship are replaced dash lights for the kenworth the light for the switch to control the radiator fan was out. iv also replaced head lights panted axles to make them a little more show worthy. every Saturday i come in to Lynden door and take inventory on the tire presser and i sweep out the trailers. a little over a week ago Dan and i replaced a bracket for the front right leaf spring we stuck two house jacks between the leaf and the frame. and one last thing that i thought was interesting that i helped do was put new battery terminals on the battery leads the tool we used looked like bolt cutters but instead it crimped the fittings on in a square shape Dan said that tool costed him over 400 dollars i was stunned?? but my first initial time for my internship has been a great experiences!s
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